Google is probably one of the most dominant forces in our modern day world. If they used their logo to represent you, you must be surely be someone quite remarkable. Here are some of the famous people in history that Google’s logo have been used as a means of honoring them.
Alexander Graham Bell

Marc Chagall
(1887 - 1985) Russian Jewish modernist artist. He was a pioneer of modernism and one of the most successful artists of the twentieth century.

René Magritte
(1898 - 1967) Belgian surrealist artist, famous for his often witty and amusing images.

Diego Velázquez
Spanish painter and portrait artist

Walter Gropius
German architect, pioneer of modern architecture and founder of Bauhaus

Luciano Pavarotti
Italian tenor opera singer, one of the famous ‘Three Tenors’.

Yuri Gagarin
Soviet cosmonaut, first man in space and to orbit the Earth.

Edvard Munch
Norwegian symbolist painter, most famous for his painting ‘Scream’.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
British author and inventor of Sherlock Holmes.

Percival Lowell
American astronomer famous for his study on Mars and founder of the Lowell Observatory, which discovered Pluto subsequently.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Australian musician and classical composer.

Martin Luther King Jr.
African American minister known for his work to liberate racial discrimination and won him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Louis Braille
Inventor of braille, a system of reading and writing for the visually impaired.

Frank Lloyd Wright
American architect and interior designer and recognized as the ‘greatest American architect of all time’ by the American Institute of Architecture.

Leonardo da Vinci
Italian scientist, engineer and inventor but most famously known as a painter, and his works includes the Mona Lisa.

Vincent Van Gogh
Dutch artist and pioneer of expressionism.

Ray Charles
American soul singer and pianist, who is also blind. Considered as one of the greatest singers of all time by some.

Gaston Julia
French mathematician who created the formula for the Julia set (stuff related to fractals, whatever that is).

Alfred Hitchcock
British film director and producer, one of the pioneers of movie suspense and psychological thriller genres.

M. C. Escher
Dutch graphic artist.

Albert Einstein
German theoretical physicist, best known for his theory of relativity and winner of the Nobel Prize.

Italian painter, sculptor, architect and engineer.

Pablo Picasso
Spanish-Andalusian painter and sculptor.

Andy Warhol
American artist and illustrator, famous in the pop art movement.

Piet Mondrian
Dutch painter and significant contributor to the abstract movement.