12 kostum halowen yang unik dan kreatif
If you still have not decided what to wear for this year’s Halloween, this list of unique and creative Halloween costumes should give you some ideas.
LEGO Costume
Halloween costume inspired by Shaun of The Dead and LEGO.
Darth Vader Baby Costume
Dress up your baby as Darth Vader for Halloween and get ready to take over the empire!
Apple iPhone Costume
Functional iPhone costumes created by Reko Rivera and John Savio.
Ninja Turtle Costume
Amazing Donatello Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Halloween costume made by Vicky North.
Man in a Cage Costume
The Birds Costume
Halloween costume inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s suspense film.
Aliens Powerloader Costume
Functional powerloader Halloween costume from the movie Aliens.
MIB Costume
Be a MIB agent for Halloween and police alien activity on Earth.
Iron Man Costume
Custom Iron Man Halloween costume made for $2000.
Optimus Prime Costume
Transformers Optimus Prime costume made from cardboard.
Zoltar Costume
Cool rolling Zoltar fortune teller costume based on a Segway.